Leadership | MoreThanNutrition
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As a trauma informed, workplace wellbeing specialist, I develop leaders to strengthen the wellbeing of their teams. I have worked with a range of businesses from medium sized startups to global plcs.

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Using my personal and professional corporate experience, I apply a trauma informed approach that promotes inclusivity.


Leadership comes from within. When we can have empathy, humility and honesty with ourselves, we can cascade it down.


MTN develops future thinking leaders who genuinely care about and support wellbeing, not just paying it lip service.

I work with corporate clients to create healthy, thriving cultures that prevent burnout. I support them to identify what is working well with regards to employee wellbeing so they can build on strengths and tackle areas for development. We create the psychological safety that leads to high performing cultures. It is not enough to focus on physical safety anymore!!


Chronic stress is the biggest occupational hazard organisations face!


This is delivered through a tailored training programme and 1-2-1 coaching programme.

Wellbeing comes down to leadership, it is not an employee problem that can be fixed with Employee Assistance Programmes and walking lunches! Now is the time to rethink - it is a ‘we’ problem to solve.

I offer a series of workshops and 1-2-1 coaching sessions to improve wellbeing (mental and physical health) and prevent burnout.


Burnout is the reason people are leaving jobs they love!

Menu of workshops

(A few examples)


The key to wellbeing in the workplace - intro seminar

Objective - understand the key skills leaders need to cultivate to promote healthy teams


Understanding burnout

Objective - How to better understand burnout and it’s root causes


Practical strategies to prevent burnout

Objective - Understand some key leadership strategies to decrease burnout in our teams


Measuring burnout

Objective - understand the five steps to begin the process of shaping a burnout strategy, which should be separate from a well-being strategy.


Are you at risk?

Objective - be able to recognise people/personalities most at risk of burnout


Stopping the legacy of burnout

Objective - understand how managers can be proactive instead of reactive to stop the legacy of burnout


Leading with curiosity

​Objective - understand the benefits of and common barriers to curiosity in the workplace and five strategies for bolstering it.


Becoming an empathetic leader

Objective - understand the importance of leading with empathy and strategies to implement it

One to one leadership coaching

To make a wellbeing programme a successful one, first, we need to get it right from the top down.

MTN's one-on-one leadership coaching will challenge and support your leaders to focus on their own mental and physical health so they are better equipped to keep their workforce healthy, happy, and confident.


We create agents of change.

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Are you ready to stop fighting food?

Do you see food as part of the problem? Do you yo-yo diet, binge eat, avoid foods? Are you confident in your own skin, do you dislike what looks back when you look in the mirror, has your confidence taken a nose dive? Maybe it's not you, maybe it's not the food... maybe it's your relationship with food and the unfriendly beliefs you hold!


Take a FREE 3 minute survey to receive tailored advice and guidence to improve your relationship with food, and yourself.

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Which one sounds like you?
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1:1 coaching is my bread and butter! I have helped countless women heal their relationship with food so they can truly be their authentic selves. So you can love, and live, life to the full! Free from the incessant thoughts about what to eat and how to dress.




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Ensure that your employees are safe, healthy and knowledgeable about how to stay so. More than Nutrition can facilitate your business to be the best in your field by creating a strong, happy and healthy workforce – fuel your team to success!




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