Nutrition | MoreThanNutrition
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1:1 Nutrition Coaching

What's 1:1 Nutrition Coaching about?


All too often people try to tackle their issues before they are truly committed to change or even know what real changes are required. MTN uses a three-step process to completely re-evaluate and then deliver to your personal needs.


 These three stages are the broad strokes that envelop the steps we carry out to help clear mental and emotional burdens. Using the goals we set we can then begin the healing and transformational process in order to incorporate the framework that is built for you. 


Changed mindsets and new perspectives make up our organic, free from judgement journey to be able to enjoy food again, stress and guilt-free. 


Book a call to find out how I can help you change your life in a matter of weeks.


Stage 1- Preparing the mind and body for change. 

To begin, we have to rebuild trust and learn balance for your own unique body. This is where we personalise our steps and make sure our lessons will stick because they are our lessons to learn.

Stage 2 - Finding your authentic self.

This stage is about bringing the subconscious to the surface, unpicking the food ‘rules’ that drive unhealthy behaviours, reconnecting and

communicating with your body and applying your true values.

Stage 3 - Integration

This is where we begin to bed down what is new, use our learned food freedom and familiarise and establish our healthy communication between us and our body.

Are you ready to stop fighting food?

Do you see food as part of the problem? Do you yo-yo diet, binge eat, avoid foods? Are you confident in your own skin, do you dislike what looks back when you look in the mirror, has your confidence taken a nose dive? Maybe it's not you, maybe it's not the food... maybe it's your relationship with food and the unfriendly beliefs you hold!


Take a FREE 3 minute survey to receive tailored advice and guidence to improve your relationship with food, and yourself.

Listen to how I've transformed my client's lives...

Paul and Sally

TN Candy | Tania 

Sarah | Sophie | Laura 

Fiona | Aggie 

How can my bespoke, organic coaching help you?


1:1 coaching is my bread and butter!

I have helped countless women heal their relationship with food so you can truly be your authentic self.


You can love and live life to the full - free from the incessant thoughts about what to eat and how to dress.


I typically work with clients for 4-6 months. During this time, I help you clear mental and emotional burdens so you can heal and transform your relationship with food and your body.


We establish real change by creating a framework you can live the rest of your life by.

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